Kyle E. C. Booth

Research Interests: Combinatorial Optimization, Operations Research, Quantum Computing, Planning and Scheduling

Research Scientist
Amazon Web Services (AWS)


  • 07/23: Paper ''Contraint programming models for depth-optimal qubit assignment and SWAP-based routing'' accepted to CP2023 being held in Toronto, Canada
  • 06/23: New preprint on constraint programming (CP) models for qubit assignment and SWAP-based routing
  • 06/23: I gave an invited talk at the SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP23) in Seattle, WA on the topic of constraint programming for quantum circuit mapping
  • 07/22: I received my AWS Machine Learning Speciality certification
  • 05/22: I received my AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification; looking forward to doing more combinatorial optimization in the cloud!
  • 04/22: I started a new role as Research Scientist at Amazon Web Services (AWS) within the Quantum Solutions Lab
  • 12/21: Abstract "M4OPT: The Multi-Mission Multi-Messenger Observation Planning Toolkit" accepted to AAS239; in collaboration with NASA Goddard and others
  • 10/21: Workshop on Constraint Solving and Quantum Computing (QCP2021) was held on Oct. 25th; talks available here.
  • 08/21: Journal article accepted to Quantum: "Quantum-accelerated constraint programming"
